Description | Track 1 [00:38:50] [Session one] Dewi Williams [DW] born in 1926 in Forest Fach. DW discusses parent’s jobs. DW discusses never working down the mines, and father keen for DW to work as a minister. DW discusses health problems as a child, sent to Bible College a private secondary school. [00:04:01] DW tells anecdote about attending Swansea University, reference to Betty Morgan. DW discusses wanting to study philosophy, reference to Rush Rhees [RR]. DW discusses the philosophical society. DW discusses becoming a teacher at Penlan and Olchfa comprehensive schools. DW discusses birth of son Huw (sp) and decided to learn Russian. Tells anecdote about teaching a boy Russian. DW remembers going to Russia for 6 weeks to practice, tells anecdote about a woman he met. [00:10:50] DW discusses friends who trained to be school councillors, taught by Douglas Hamlin [DH]. DW described DH and his attitude toward students. DW described sometimes taking the class instead of DH. DW describes attending Swansea University then joining the Home Guard, reference to RR as sergeant. DW describes duties and bombing in Swansea. DW tells anecdote about being in the Home Guard. DW describes wanting to join the RAF but unfit. [00:20:02] DW discusses social life, dance on a Saturday night. DW mentions meeting his wife at the Welsh Society, Gymdeithas Gymraeg. DW annotates stories about dating his wife. DW discusses travelling to university by bike. DW discusses English and foreign friends from the Bible College. DW discusses not working hard. DW discusses links between Dylan Thomas and the English department. DW left university and became a teacher. DW discusses translating Russian tale into Welsh for the Board of Celtic Studies. DW discusses taking early retirement at age 56. DW discusses working on the history of Morriston hospital. [00:30:48] DW discusses photograph taken at Bryn Hyfryd school 1954, teaching English. DW discusses other groups at the university, reference to school counselling, dissertation help, as part of the department of education in Hendrefoelan. DW mentions grandson in Hendrefoelan. DW discusses Ludwig Wittgenstein’s visit to Swansea, reference to RR. [00:36:22] DW annotates a story about the Home Guard, with reference to a Lewis gun, practicing maneuvers at Singleton Park and reference to Beck Hall. |